Self-Love Magic

What is Self-Love?

The term ‘Self-Love’ seems to be everywhere these days. But what does it really mean to love yourself?

As The Self-Love Coach, I have my own definition: Self-Love is taking daily actions that support self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-improvement, rooted in a deep commitment to the true essence of the Self as an eternal energy being worthy of acceptance, love, expression and expansion.

The Magic of Mirrorwork

I discovered mirrorwork years ago when I first discovered the late, great Louise Hay and her book Heal Your Body (first published in 1977) and her ground breaking international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life.

Around the same time, I met and began working with an incredibly gifted psychologist, Lindi Van Niekerk, who introduced me to Inner Child work and Boundaries. These two concepts started me on my journey to Self-Love.

Louise Hay’s Heal Your Body offers positive new thought patterns to replace negative emotions, includes an alphabetical chart of physical ailments, the probable emotional causes and healing affirmations to help eliminate old patterns.

Self-Love changed my life when I used the concepts that I had learned from Louise Hay and Lindi Van Niekerk to create my own affirmations, used them as mantras, added mirrorwork and meditation and proceeded to heal my very toxic and damaged relationship with my body. Having experienced every kind of eating disorder; the combination of Self-Love, mirrorwork and mantras was the most powerful ‘magic’ that I had ever experienced.

This ‘magic’ soon became a regular part of my life, which I have used as my favourite healing modality for any area in my life where I pick up patterns of thought and emotion that bring undesirable results that I want to improve.

Louise Hay went on to heal her body of cervical cancer using mirrorwork and affirmations which formed the basis of her book You Can Heal Your Life.

As a coach, mirrorwork and mantras are key somatic modalities (modalities grounded in the mind-body connection) in all my 1:1 coaching, online programmes & group programmes. I have personally experienced the power of this work and I have witnessed it in the success stories of my clients too.

More on Mantras

Affirmations are positive statements with the purpose of reprogramming undesirable patterns of thought.

Traditionally, mantras are specific sounds that carry a vibration of harmony with the universe, used in ancient forms of meditation and yoga.

When I talk about the magic of mantras, it is both in reverence for traditional mantra meditation as well as my own ‘potion’ which combines affirmations and mantras. I use my affirmations as one would traditionally use a mantra by combining the words of the affirmation, the sound of my voice (speaking or ‘toning’ out loud) and repetition, combined with either a specific set of movements, or a specific seated posture.

Affirmations combined with vocals and physical action increase in power as the mind is given more anchor points for the words to be taken in as truth.

The strongest beliefs are formed when personal experiences are confirmed by external sources. That’s why creating an ‘experience’ with the body and combining it with the ‘external’ sound of your voice and the sight of the written words, is such a powerful way to create new, more empowering beliefs.

Voila! The Magic of Mantras.

Love is a Verb

‘The greatest gift we will ever learn, is to love and be loved in return’ – Eden Ahbez

This quote is so very powerful and my challenge to anyone who dreams of being able to give and receive love in this life is this – how will you be able to give love, if you have none to give? And how will you be able to receive love, if you don’t know how to receive?

The place to begin is within. How? Practice. At the beginning of this life, there is only Self and the same again at the end. Start with what you have – yourself. Practice discovery, acceptance and love. Practice receiving and giving.

If you can live the act of love within yourself, you will fill your own well and be able to give love to others.

If you can commit to self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-improvement, you will have something of value to share and you will know your worth.

Once you know your own worth, others will know it too and in return, you will mirror their worth back to them.

Life is a great mirror and the results that you are achieving are the reflection of your journey, so connect with yourself and actively create the reflection that you want to see.

Self-Love is Universal Love

It is within the state of Self that we find love, wisdom and the ultimate truth – that in this apparently singular state of Self, we are in fact part of a great oneness.

Every drop is a drop and the ocean all at the same time.

Diana Grant

Speaker, Author, Conscious Cohort

A passionate agent for change, growth and transformation; helping people to create sustainable life balance and liberate their full personal power through authentic Self-Love and Conscious Living practices.

Diana shares a revolutionary message that impacts you at your core and creates a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Her raw honesty is balanced with immense empathy, strength, and ability to hold space for her clients and audiences to shift.

The Pillars of Self-Love


Magic Moon Me-time