Magic Moon Me-time

Why Moon Magic Me-time??

“Is it Full Moon?” – my ex-husband, whenever I would overtly express my emotional state of being, sharing my feelings in a complex and colourful expressiveness, worthy of an Academy Award. He was usually right.

The Moon definitely has an effect on the inhabitants of this beautiful planet. Human behaviour illustrates that the impact of the Moon goes beyond just the levels of light in the night sky.

According to astrologers, when the Moon (which represents our inner self & emotions) is furthest away from the sun (which represents our ego) at Full Moon, we are able to sit with our inner self, feel into the depths of our emotions and embrace the deepest workings of our inner world. This is a time for letting go of all that no longer serves your highest purpose.

In contract, when sun and Moon are aligned on the same side of our Earth, New Moon is the best time for setting intentions, planning new project & manifesting.

Since aligned manifestation requires deep self-knowledge, the Full Moon provides a wonderful opportunity to get quiet, go within, introspect and let go.

Magic is really just personal ritual

My definition of magic is an evolved version of the Wikipedia description: “Magic is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions employed in the belief that they can subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces.”

I see it as applying my beliefs, my rituals and my actions to areas of my life experience that require attention and that the power of my attention will have an impact on my experience.

Self-leadership practices such as journaling, releasing rituals, healthy habit creation and mirror work all form part of my ‘magic’. Ritualising healthy habits that support my life experience is my magic. Applying everything that I have learned about life and myself in it, in order to show up as the best version of myself in every day of my life, is my ‘magic’. Taking what I learn and applying it with decisive action, is another aspect of my ‘magic’.

Self-knowledge, self-acceptance and active self-love is my ‘magic’.

Full Moon Magic

Here are some of my favourite Moon Magic Me-Time practices:

1.     Fire Release Ceremony:
Write everything you want to release onto smallish pieces of paper. These can be personal thought patterns, old ideas, attachments and forgiveness (people or Self) – absolutely anything that no longer serves you.
Make a small fire out of Epsom Salt and rubbing alcohol or surgical spirit in a metal container (I use a cake tin lined with aluminium foil). Place two cups of Epsom salt into your fire holder, pour about half a cup surgical spirits over the salts and light it with a long match or lighter. The flame will burn almost invisible, to be careful not to burn yourself.
Once your fire is burning, one by one, place each piece of paper into the fire, symbolically releasing what is written on the paper.
You can also burn herbs like lavender, sage & bay to symbolically cleanse away the energy of whatever you are releasing.
Whilst doing this, give thanks to Life, Source, Universe, God, Mother Nature, Higher Self (your choice) for transmuting that which no longer serves you into positive energy.

2.     Moon Manifestation
Now that you have released that which no longer serves you, you have created space for new energy to enter. This is a perfect time to write a list of things you want to manifest in this next moon cycle.
Place your list into a special trinket book, or container – even a glass jar will work and leave it out in the light of the moon over night.
The next day, take your list and place it somewhere where you can see it every day.

3.     Make Moon water
Fill a glass bottle or jar with spring water and leave it somewhere in the direct light of the moon. This can be outside, or on a windowsill.
Take one sip of your moon water every day of the month, focusing your mind on your Moon Manifestation for the month.
As you sip, feel into the energy of what you want to manifest and give thanks for the space that created for this by releasing the old stuff.

4.     Take a Moon Bath:
Run a deep, warm bath with half a cup of Bicarbonate of Soda (for cleansing), one cup of Epsom salts (for renewal), one cup of sea salt (for protection) and essential oils – choose oils for the property that you would like to enjoy such as Lavender for relaxation & anti-depression, anxiety & stress, Bergamot for healing and self-love, Patchouli for connection, Basil for renewal and relief from panic and apprehension, Cedarwood for balance and dealing with crisis or sudden change – there are many more and this is worth investigating.
Light candles and place them at different points around the bathroom, acknowledging all of the elements and the archangels (if you like).
Archangels of the 4 Elements: · Raphael: Air · Michael: Fire · Gabriel: Water · Uriel: Earth
If you’re not into archangels, then just go with the elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth
Remember to add the fifth element – Spirit.
If this feels too esoteric for you, use the Feng Shui elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
As you light your candles and acknowledge the various elementals, imagine a golden ring of light forming around your bathtub – you are safe and protected.
Now, enjoy your bath and as you do, allow whatever emotions come up for you, to flow. Simply acknowledge and accept your emotions exactly as they are. Allow your thoughts to flow too – no judgement and no resistance. Allow your body to relax fully in the warm water – again without judgement – accept your body as it is in this moment, no matter what you have going on physically.
When you let the plug out, imagine a deeper release as everything that you have allowed to flow out of you, that no longer serves you, can now flow out of the bathtub and down the drain.
Again, give thanks for this further release.

5.     Moon Meditation
Meditate at the time when the moon is full.
This is even more powerful if you do it with a group of others meditating at the same time.
Meditating for healing and regeneration in a group, under the full moon is extremely powerful.
There are some great online groups to join for this.

Make your own Magic

There is so much coming at us from every angle, every day. Getting to know yourself on a deep and intimate level builds authentic connection with the life that you are living and it also allows you to take action to make any changes that you want to make.

The term ‘live your best life’ is everywhere and places such a high demand on us. Where do we even start?

Within! All the answers you seek are within you, your best self is within you, the path to your best life is within you. Take the time, create some rituals and get to know yourself, accept yourself and love yourself. Then, take action that is meaningful – to YOU.

Diana Grant - The Self-Love Coach


Diana Grant

Speaker, Author, Conscious Cohort

A passionate agent for change, growth and transformation; helping people to create sustainable life balance and liberate their full personal power through authentic Self-Love and Conscious Living practices.

Diana shares a revolutionary message that impacts you at your core and creates a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Her raw honesty is balanced with immense empathy, strength, and ability to hold space for her clients and audiences to shift.

Self-Love Magic


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