Who am I?
I am the Self-Love Revolutionary.
A speaker, coach, consultant AND author vibrating at the cross-point of love, intelligence and action. Portfolio Professional with an unquenchable zest for life!
Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, I now live in the small market town of Louth in England. I relocated because I followed the call of my soul, I followed Love.
I love to travel and discovering places and cultures that are new to me, lights me up!
What do I do?
I change minds, I melt hearts. I shift perspectives.
I help you to connect with your true essence, uncover your dreams for yourself and ignite your passion for life.
In this way. I help you to fill your skin, take up space in the world and live your best life. Starting today.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined.”
― Henry David Thoreau
How do I do it?
I share the Love. That’s literally what I do. I share the immense power of deep, authentic self-love and it heals hearts and empowers spirits. Self-love is at the foundation of everything that I do.
This sounds really soft – it’s not. If you think about self-love and feel nervous, good. Working with me is about pushing past your boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone.
This work is deep and intense. It is not soft but my approach is gentle. By the time you realise that you are shaking your entire world, you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t want to stop!
Reclaim yourself with my holistic mind-set coaching, courses, workshops, books and affirmation cards.
Who do I help?
Feeling like you’re not enough? Not good enough, not thin enough, not strong enough, not clever enough, not rich enough?
What about feeling like you don’t match up to the image that other people have of you? Like you might be a fraud.
Feeling lost and alone but surrounded by people? Feeling like you want to scream and run away, like you just can’t see the way forward and that there must be more to life than this?
I can help.
I have been there and I know how to shine a light for you, just long enough for you to find your own light again.
Connect with me
Let’s have a chat and see if we’re right for each other.

“If you believe in YOU, your best self will show up. Treat yourself as you would a new friend… trust & believe.
Allow yourself to bloom.”