Goddess Energy - what's it all about?

Why Goddess Energy?

Goddess represents the spark of Divine Energy that is within each of us and is the True Essence of who we are.

She represents Home, the state of Being that we all long for – Nirvana, Bliss.

With the world in the state that it is, it is more important than ever for every Human Being to seek out their own inner Goddess Energy, to create personal freedom and bliss for themselves and for this to spread, with each individual sending ripples of this powerful energy into the world.

Who is Goddess?

Goddess is every one of us. Goddess is you.

To live in this energy, is to ignite that flame of Life within you, to allow your spark to become a flame, to tend that flame, to light up and to live in a state of glow.

To allow your glow to be present always, to see the glow in others and to support yourself and others to keep this Goddess Energy alive and spreading.

Is Goddess Energy just for womxn?

Goddess Energy is not gender based – it is an energy connected to Divine Feminine Energy creating balance with Masculine Energy.

Goddess Energy is the energy of Love and Life.

How to recognise Goddess Energy

Goddess is centred, she knows herself, she knows her strengths and her vulnerabilities.

Because she is connected to her Essence, she takes pause before responding to life. She doesn’t react, she responds.

She has great power and yet she doesn’t flaunt it or use it unnecessarily. She knows when to use her power and when to do nothing.

Goddess has limitless compassion, with an innate ability to nurture. She is wise and trusts her knowledge as well as her intuition. She listens to others, to life and to her intuition.

She is deeply connected to Spirit and is comfortable with the timing of the seasons of life. Goddess maintains her inner connection above all else, she knows that her Spirit knows all there is to know and so she stays tuned in to this inner voice of truth.

She lives according to her truth; which because of her connection with nature, her compassion and her connection with Spirit, is aligned with Universal truth and virtues.

She lives Love – she treats others as she wants to be treated. She is patient, kind and generous with her time, energy and resources. She does not hold grudges or harbour ill feelings towards anyone but acknowledges in every living Being the spark of the Divine.

Goddess seeks truth in every situation and does not anger easily. She does not take anything personally despite not tolerating poor treatment from others. Her commitment to Love & Truth means that she lives in a state of Self-Love at all times, honouring her own divinity.

Her Self-Love practice enables her to maintain her strong connection with her True Essence, the part of her that is Divine, the part of her that knows what is best. She is self-disciplined in every area, knowing that care-taking her body, mind, heart and soul is her main gift and responsibility in life and so she lives this responsibility with grace.

How to Awaken your Inner Goddess Energy

The Goddess Diana is usually depicted with a quiver of arrows, symbolic of her virtues and used to play hunting games with the animals who were actually in her care. Here are some arrows for you to put into your quiver to awaken your Goddess Energy.

Arrow 1: Feel your Feelings

For most people these days, this is a challenge. In our very Masculine Energy world, we are so conditioned to hold back our feelings, deny them and carry on. To activate that spark of Life Force, of Goddess Energy means to change this an actually feel your feelings. You don't have to go from doing okay and coping with life to a ball of unchecked emotion - just allow yourself to feel it when it's there. When there is joy - feel the joy, when there is sadness - feel it. Having a safe space to explore feeling your emotions without judgement is a great way to start, so working with a therapist, coach or mentor in this area is recommended. Once you've had a bit of practice, the ability to feel your feelings and express them in a balanced and healthy way becomes possible and this is true Goddess Energy in action.

Arrow 2: Bond with your Body

Our bodies hold ancient wisdom and learning to listen to this wisdom and understand the miracle of the human body, is a super power. There are so many ways to practice connecting with the body such as yoga, breathwork, Thai chi, therapeutic massage and many more. In this process it s vital to move past the external expectation that lives in the mind and actually get into the body, feeling it and listening to the messages received. Unexpressed emotions and trauma are stored in the body and releasing this is vital to connecting to that inner flame of divinity that resides within each and every human being. Building the relationship with your body, enables you to access your own innate wisdom,.

Arrow 3: Honour your Intuition

If you feel as if you don't have intuition, or don't know how to use it, the first step is to relax and redevelop trust. Trust in yourself and your inner voice of truth. We all have intuition - it is the 'knowing without knowing why you know'. Start by simply paying attention to when you notice something by feeling and then later it is confirmed. The more you notice, the more you will feel. As you develop this 'arrow', start to honour it by trusting it. When you get that 'knowing', go with it - you will soon learn that it always pans out for you. This is self-trust in action and self-trust is a key attribute of Goddess Energy.

Arrow 4: Create Ritual & Sacred Time

Growing you Inner Essence, your Goddess Energy, requires space and time and Goddess loves ritual. This can be as simple as creating a morning ritual that gives you time to reflect and connect with your Inner Self, space to do it in and is done every single morning no matter what. It could be having a private, candlelit bath twice a week with music and your favourite drink. It could be a walk in nature by yourself, or daily meditation. As long as it involves time with yourself and the regularity of a ritual. This time and space gives space to your Inner Self to express, feel and strengthen, which will then strengthen all the other aspects of Goddess Energy.

These are four easy ways to awaken your Inner Goddess and give the powerful Goddess Energy space in your life.

Now is the time for every Human Being to take up the bow of responsibility and to sharpen the arrows of virtue, to ignite Goddess Energy and create a better world for all.

Diana Grant - The Self-Love Coach

Diana Grant

Speaker, Author, Conscious Cohort

A passionate agent for change, growth and transformation; helping people to create sustainable life balance and liberate their full personal power through authentic Self-Love and Conscious Living practices.

Diana shares a revolutionary message that impacts you at your core and creates a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Her raw honesty is balanced with immense empathy, strength, and ability to hold space for her clients and audiences to shift.


Self-Love is not a Spa Day


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