Time is on your side…
Time is always on my side…so then why does it sometimes feel like the complete opposite? You must know the feeling I’m talking about – when it feels like there are a million things to do and only 3 minutes to do them in…time pressure!
Even in this time of a global pandemic, it seems as if rather than slowing down, the pace of life just keeps picking up, despite having moved from ‘out there’ to ‘in here’ online. Some days I realise that I haven’t stood up for hours…usually this realisation comes when I stand up really fast and my body screams at me as it creaks from seated position to standing with great challenge! I teach mindfulness and well-being practices and I sometimes I too, forget myself.
Cornelius was recently home for a full month. I was supremely aware of the importance of using our time together well, so that we could enjoy a full experience of connection, intimacy and affection. I didn’t want to forget myself and waste precious moments together. The time did pass quickly but what a wonderful time we had and I am really happy that I managed to stay present.
Time is all we have…and yet we don’t have it. Whether you believe that time is a natural reality or a man-made construct, it passes. Time passes and things change, we get older, dreams are realised…or not. So, what’s the secret to making the most of the time that we have?
Be here now – in this moment. I call this time presence. To be fully present in the present moment is the secret. It is so easy to be pulled away into the future or into the past when time pressures take over though. It happens to all of us. The future whispers “you still need to do this and this and this…if you want to achieve your goals” and the past is moaning “You could have done this and you should have done that”…passing you from one to the other like a doll. Unless you choose to stop in the middle. Choose the present moment, choose the now and harness the time that you have.
One breath at a time is a great way to live, mindfulness practices really help and so do some nice, practical tactics. I have shared some in another free download in the Boutique - look for Time Presence Guide.