
Goddexx Living for Optimal Womxnhood

Love Your Body, Love Your Self, Love Your Life

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Goddexx Living for Optimal Womxnhood

Love Your Body, Love Your Self, Love Your Life

Goddexx Living for Optimal Womxnhood

Love Your Body, Love Your Self, Love Your Life

Goddexx Living for Optimal Womxnhood

Love Your Body, Love Your Self, Love Your Life

What’s GLOW all about?

Your True Essence. When last did you feel one hundred percent YOU?

When last did you feel your True Essence shining through all that you think, say, feel & do?

Do you long to feel in flow with Life, with your inner Self and with your Body?

Living in flow with your True Essence, looks like this:

♡ True LOVE

♡ CONFIDENCE in your body

♡ Speaking your TRUTH with ease & grace

♡ KNOWING yourself

♡ UNDERSTANDING your needs



♡ Inner PEACE

♡ INSPIRATION for life

♡ ENERGY to follow your dreams

♡ Everyday JOY

♡ CREATIVITY to design your life

♡ PASSION for living

♡ PURPOSE in life

Glow is a 7-week journey back to your Inner Self.
A journey to reconnect with your True Essence, awaken your inner Goddexx and ignite the GLOW within you.

♡     ACCEPT your body, mind and soul exactly as you are

♡     Get FREE from self-judgement

♡     Know your WORTH - Revive your CONFIDENCE

♡     RECONNECT with your Inner Self & True Essence of who you are

♡     Get FREE from external pressure to be anything that does not match your true essence

♡     Learn how to LISTEN to your own judgement & INTUITION

♡     Remember what it feels like to LIVE FREE

I have harnessed all of my own life experience and all of my learnings to create an experience that will release you from self-doubt, self-judgement and abandonment of your Self. Instead, you will be falling in love with your body and soul and reconnecting with your Inner Self in the most sacred way.

Now is the time to release your Self and give yourself the gift of Goddexx Living for Optimal Womxnhood – the life that you deserve.

Why Womxnhood with an x?

GLOW is carrying a torch for the new age of the rise of the Divine Feminine. What does this mean?

The world needs a return to balance. Where the world has been operating in the male energies of judgement, cognition, facts, achieving, controlling & competing; it is time for a shift into the female energies of feeling, creativity, nurturing, collaborating, sensing and expressing. This shift will restore balance to the world.

Everything that each of us does on a personal level, has a profound ripple effect. As we heal, we will light the way for our partners and families to heal and we will ensure a better future for our children.

The ‘x’ also represents the fact that Divine Feminine and female energies are not gender biased at all – this work is for anyone relating to or identifying as a womxn and wanting to live life in the abundant flow of the Divine Feminine goddess energy.

More about Me

The reason that do the work that I do and that I created GLOW, is that I have walked away from myself and I know the struggle to get back.

The feelings of self-doubt, of not being enough, of not showing up in full authenticity have all been part of my experience. Even in times when I was most successful by world standards, all these factors were still at play - there was something missing.

I now use all of my life experience to support others to find their way back to themselves, to their True Essence, to find their own inner glow and to live by it.

Originally from South Africa, I now live in England. I am a Holistic Wellbeing Coach, Author and Speaker in love with the power of Love, with a deep belief that Self-Love is the answer to everything.

I sustain my lust for life with self-care, writing, meditation, yoga, art, walking, gardening, family and friends & a passionate commitment to maintaining a positive mindset. It is my pleasure to share my 'how-to' with everyone who wants to know.

My greatest joy is walking alongside womxn as they discover their unique beauty, gifts and strength, empowering themselves to live their very Best Life.

What’s in it for you?

In Glow, I bring you the authentic goddess experience. Never thought of yourself that way? You will!

How will bringing out your inner goddess help you? What does it mean?

♡     You will fall in love with yourself – inside and out

♡     You’ll instantly attract people who treat you like gold

♡     You’ll make more money – knowing that you deserve it

♡     You’ll love what you see in the mirror and glow wherever you go

♡     You’ll be at peace with yourself, and in love with life, able to flow and enjoy living.

Self-Love is what it’s all about. For years we have been hearing that the key to happiness is self-love but for many of us, it has been a distant dream.

I have the tools to release you from self-judgement, shame, blame and have you falling in love with life as you learn to love yourself in the most sacred way.

Love your Body, Love your Self, Love your Life.

How does it work?

Using various techniques and modalities to re-design your thinking and beliefs, this programme will redefine the way you see and interact with your Body, with your Inner Self and with all aspects of your Life.

Techniques include daily journaling, mirror work, affirmations, guided meditations, reading material and more.

Imagine being totally free from the self-esteem rollercoaster that self-judgement keeps you on. Imagine that constant up and down being a thing of the past.

Imagine a place where you know yourself and love yourself...that place is real - it is within you.

What will you receive?

♡     GLOW – online downloadable course including instructions, downloads and audio files

♡ Downloadable Workbook and Audio files

♡     Exclusive GLOW Community Membership:

♡   GLOW Facebook Group
♡   GLOW WhatsApp Group

♡     1 on 1 time with me

♡     GLOW Group sessions once a week for 7 weeks

♡     Guest training by other, wise Goddexx Teachers

♡     A deep new level of self-love and self-knowledge - your glow will amaze and inspire you!!


1.     Weekly Downloads:

♡     Weekly GLOW Insight

♡     Weekly GLOW Deeper Insight

♡     Daily GLOW Affirmations (part of your weekly pack)

♡     Daily GLOW Activities – Calling in of the Goddess (part of your weekly pack)

2.     Your GLOW Playbook

3.     Downloadable Audio Meditation Files

4.     EFT Tapping to Embrace Your Goddess Body

♡     EFT Insights
♡     EFT Video Intro & Training

to ignite your GLOW, call in your inner Goddess and start your Optimal Living

Value: £3,543    You Pay: £1222 Spring Special

♡     GLOW Weekly Content          
♡     Weekly 1 on 1 with Diana        
♡     Weekly Zoom with Diana x 7
♡     Free Downloadable Guides     
♡     Free downloadable Audios

♡     Deposit Payment to secure: £222
♡     Balance Payment options:

  • Single payment of £1000

  • Double payment of £500 each

  • Triple payment of £334 each

Divine guidance brought you here, to accept your invitation to journey back to your Inner Self, to remember and reconnect with every aspect of your beautiful essence.

Now is your time to reconnect with your inner goddess, give her space in your life and GLOW.

Embody: Embrace Your Miracle Body in 7 Days
Embrace: Your 7-day journey to emotional body freedom.
Sale Price:£33.00 Original Price:£199.00