Your Life Matters

Your life matters. It does. You are of immense value to the world. Do you acknowledge this? Do you treat yourself as the valuable being that you are?

In the midst of all the heart breaking chaos in the world highlighting racial inequality, I am once again reminded just how dangerous lack of self-love and low self-worth is.

It is the person with low self-worth who tries to make another person feel less valuable. It is the person with no self-love who tries to make another person appear to have less worth. These are crimes against humanity and these crimes are committed first to the Self before lashing out at others.

This vicious cycle can only be interrupted by love.

Do you love yourself? Do you know your worth? Can you hold eye contact with yourself in the mirror? Can you sleep easy at night knowing that you have lived the day fully engaged, on purpose and living up to the value of the life that you represent?

Self-love is a journey, not a destination. It is a practice that becomes a lifestyle and it is essential. If we are going to heal society, we have to start with ourselves. Change of a collective is only possible when every individual within the collective changes. Change starts within.

Be what you want to see. Live your truth. Live on purpose.

Diana Grant

Speaker, Author, Conscious Cohort

A passionate agent for change, growth and transformation; helping people to create sustainable life balance and liberate their full personal power through authentic Self-Love and Conscious Living practices.

Diana shares a revolutionary message that impacts you at your core and creates a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Her raw honesty is balanced with immense empathy, strength, and ability to hold space for her clients and audiences to shift.

Trust Me, Beautiful


Manic Meditation