Diana Grant

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Divine Timing

This week, I was reminded that Life is always about the right thing at the right time.

When your heart is breaking and your mind is panicking, this is difficult pill to swallow. Yet life shows us over and over again, just how true this is. Everything happens as it should and just when it should. Some (including me) call this Divine Timing.

You know that feeling when you can see an outcome so clearly and yet for a mixed bag of seemingly random reasons, you don’t seem to be able to progress towards your envisioned goal? Usually, once you release your mental grip on the image of your goal, suddenly that ever elusive outcome becomes a reality. Somehow, without any more of your help and influence, things fall into place. When this happens and we look back at the journey to this point, suddenly all the detours and delays make perfect sense and we are able to smile and acknowledge that yes – everything happens as it should, when it should.

I am in the middle of a Divine Timing situation right now. The vision for my new programme was so clear and so inspired that I was certain it would become a reality by the first week of August. We are already in the last days of August and it still hasn’t taken form.

What have I done for the past few weeks? I forgot about Divine Timing. I forgot about the power of trusting my vision, taking inspired action and then allowing. I panicked and I obsessed and I entered into a state of what Gabby Bernstein calls, ‘manic manifesting’. Of course this is not ALL I did…I also continued trusting my vision and taking inspired action – I just added the extra ingredients of stress and panic to the mix – not helpful. So, thanks to the inspired action, my vision is closer than ever to coming to fruition AND I attracted an incredible collaboration partner too.

Yesterday in a session with my beautiful collaboration partner, I had my light bulb moment and remembered the power of Divine Timing. I remembered ‘always the right thing at the right time’ and I breathed a sigh of relief. This was been such a brilliant moment of clarity, that I don’t have to wait for hindsight to be able to see that Divine Timing is at play here. This beautiful project needed collaboration and it needed more time and attention – and that is what is happening right now!

I am more excited than ever to see my vision come to fruition because now I know that it will be even more magical than I could have imagined (or forced) it to be.

When things aren’t going your way, remember Divine Timing – here are some helpful ways to work with Divine Timing:

1.    Inspired Action is not the same as control
Trust your vision and take inspired action but remember that when it comes to timing, you do not and cannot control time. So do the best that you can, with what you have and release control of the outcome, or the timing of the outcome.

2.    Test your impatience or discomfort
When your vision starts creating stress, you’re out of alignment and your inner self is telling you something is off. Examine what is causing your stress and then dig deep. Life is a mirror and every situation is an opportunity for growth. Sift through your uncomfortable feelings and see what you find.

3.    Have a plan but keep it flexible
It is great to have a plan as a guide and it is even more powerful if your plan is flexible and your plan allows you to adjust to the flux. Life is a constant state of change, so the more adaptable you are, the more fun you’ll have.